The Lady of Heaven (2020) Full Movie Watch Online

Summary - A child from war-torn Iraq finds himself moving into a new home after his mother passes away. There, he meets a loving old woman who tells him the story of Lady Fatima, the daughter of the prophet Muhammad and the first victim of terrorism. Through the stories, the child learns how the virtue of patience is powerful and important to everyone, as well as how Fatima’s experience has spilled into the 21st century.

Directors - Eli KingWriters - Sheikh Yasser Al-HabibActors - Ray Fearon, Denise Black, Christopher Sciueref, Lucas Bond

The Lady of Heaven

How Do I Watch The Lady of Heaven

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The Lady of Heaven Full Movie HD

The Lady of Heaven (2020) Movie is available to stream on many popular platforms including web browsers, Android, and AppleTVs. Its also have subtitles, transcripts. It is possible to adjust the video quality anywhere from 360p around 1080p Full HD.

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